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Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) and Management are committed to good governance policies and practises, designed to support the Board in discharging its responsibilities and to enhance shareholder value. Good governance helps ensure that the Board and Management have clear, common goals that have been communicated to stakeholders and an effective strategy for achieving those goals. Good governance also helps secure the Company’s future, by addressing corporate responsibility and ensuring accountability. The Company reviews its corporate governance policies and practices regularly with a view to enhancing the structure in an ever-evolving corporate governance environment. The following are some of the Company’s current policies and charters:
Code of Business Conduct & Ethics
The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) embodies the commitment of Entrée Resources Ltd. and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Company”) to ethical principles and sets forth the responsibilities of the Company to all of its stakeholders. The Code addresses general business ethical principles, conflicts of interests, special ethical obligations for employees with financial reporting responsibilities, insider trading laws, reporting of any unlawful or unethical conduct, anti-corruption measures, political contributions and other relevant issues. The Code applies to the Company as well as any joint venture controlled by the Company. To the extent that any joint venture is not controlled by the Company, the Company will endeavour to use its influence to cause the joint venture to adopt and follow policies substantially consistent with the Code.
Policies and Constating Documents
- Notice of Articles
- Articles, including Advance Notice Provisions
- Majority Voting Policy
- Whistleblower Policy
Board Mandate and Committee Charters
- Board Mandate
- Corporate Governance & Nominating Committee Charter
- Audit Committee Charter
- Compensation Committee Charter
- Technical Committee Charter
- Non-Executive Chair Position Description
Last updated: December 2024